Vegan Caramelized Onion, Potato, & “Parmesan” Crustless Mini “Quiches”

  Finally a fresh new blog post! And boy-oh-boy is your patience about to be rewarded! Spring means 2 things to me: 1) allergies, and 2) brunch, yo. There's just something about spring that makes it the perfect season to get your brunch on and there ain't no better dish for brunch than the quiche.…

Week 5: Vegan Thyme Rolls & Vegan Bourbon Whiskey Caramelized Onion Dip – A Compassion is the Secret Ingredient Thanksgiving

Can you believe it's already week 5, y'all? Let's see... what are we missing?? A bread, an appetizer, and desserts, right? Well, this week I'm serving up the bread and the appetizer, and next week I will wrap this whole thing up with the desserts! But, back to this week... I will admit that, for…